Chat GPT vs Influencers

May the best “creator” win


Chat GPT has taken the world by storm, but what exactly does this mean for us mere humans?

If you aren’t familiar with Chat GPT yet, let me break it down for you. Research Company OpenAI’s GPT-3 is a text-based artificial intelligence (AI) tool and one of the most impressive generative AI innovations that exist to date. Not only does it respond to prompts, it also serves as a conversational chatbot, responding to written questions with elaborate and eloquent content. Going straight to the source, Chat GPT defines itself as the following: 

As with anything in life, there are pros and cons to using Chat GPT, as well as many unknown implications that will begin to take place in the influencer/advertising world over time. Let’s think about the big picture first. There are two ways of viewing this new technology. People either feel Chat GPT is a threat to their jobs; wondering if it will replace their writing, content creation, etc., or, they will embrace it. The latter entails utilizing AI tools to make your life easier and work more efficiently. Need a sales script? A short paragraph for your website? A quick answer to a general question? Chat GPT is your answer. By leveraging AI tools as a framework for productivity, you can now focus on editing and curating the content to make it your own as opposed to generating the content from scratch in its entirety.

As we move into an increasingly digital age and AI becomes more prevalent, I personally believe embracing these technological advances and using them as tools to further advance our skills will become a key driver of modern day success. So besides the worldly view on this…what are the pros and cons? How will this begin affecting our lives and work?

Pros: If we choose to look at it this way, AI can be seen and serve as a tool to enhance creativity and efficiency. The automation of content creation will certainly mean less time spent on writing scripts, social media captions, blog posts, etc. This could mean more time spent on ideating, curating, producing content — skills that will truly differentiate you from other content creators.

Cons: Outside of the influencer world for a moment, a big question is how will Chat GPT impact students. Can we prevent students from using it to write their reports? Will this impact creative writing and learning? Will it impact our grasp of grammar and vocabulary?

Back to the influencer world. If Chat GPT is now writing our content, what then would be an influencer’s added value, or craftsmanship as a content creator? Should we anticipate a future where AIGC (AI Generated Content) is overtaking bloggers and/or content creators? 


Some believe that this influx of AI generated content will allow authentic content to stand out and be more valuable. If all of us use AI to create our blog posts, then won’t we all be writing and producing the same content? Influencers who forego using AI may begin to stand out more in this new world.

Who will now be considered a “creator”? Are you a creator if you typed in a prompt and edited it slightly? Does the creation begin within your mind, as you’re brainstorming topics and stories you wish to share? If Chat GPT is writing a major portion of the content, then where does the ownership of said content lie? Is this, then, our intellectual property?

Another question at hand is money (of course). Will this effect how much influencers/bloggers/freelancers earn? Is it safe to assume that the less time and energy you spend on writing, the less you will earn? Brands will certainly look to reduce the premium they pay bloggers, if in fact, Chat GPT can produce similar content for a fraction of the cost. Again, going straight to the source, Chat GPT had a few points to share regarding its competition with modern day influencers. 

So what is the conclusion here? It’s unknown and open ended. Schools, businesses, and influencers, alike, are all at a crossroads. We aren’t sure whether to embrace Chat GPT or remain cautious. There are lots of questions at hand and only time will tell.

Chat GPT did not write this (or did it?). 

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