ARTECHOUSE is the most calming experience in Miami

Our US editor, Mallory, attended the ARTECHOUSE Aqueous Exhibit in Miami, combining the Pantone color of blue with both art and technology

Aqueous Main Gallery Couple Sitting - credit Steph Estrada.jpg

The Background

ARTECHOUSE is the U.S.’s first art space that’s dedicated strictly to experimental and digital art. The Modems’ gals love to explore the different ways tech has impacted retail, beauty, and fitness, but the art world was another dimension. ARTECHOUSE exhibits can be found in many “big” cities around the nation, such as Washington D.C, New York City, and Miami. The exhibit this year, titled Aqueous for its representation of the Pantone color blue, could not fit in more with Miami. Ocean blue meets extravagant experience? It doesn’t get more Miami than that. 

Why Blue? 

The original multimedia event was titled “Classic Blue”, launching in 2019 after the color blue was announced as the “it” color for 2020. The ARTECHOUSE community agreed to continue to expand on this idea into 2021, as blue is a “calming” color, and clearly, we have all been a bit stressed out this year. 

Laurie Pressman, the Vice-President of Pantone Color Institute shared her feelings on Aqueous, stating, “We are excited to continue our partnership with ARTECHOUSE to bring the restful and meditative qualities reflected by PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue to our audiences in this space. A calm and confident blue hue, we hope these installations provide visitors to ARTECHOUSE with the peace and tranquility many are seeking during this time”. 


The experience

Aqueous is said to be a part of the “Submerge” experience. Again, very fitting for Miami where you can practically submerge yourself in the ocean across the street from the exhibit. I wouldn’t say the exhibit is in the most “ideal” Miami location unless you’re a young spring breaker and South Beach is your scene (if you know what I mean). Nonetheless, the exhibit is inside, so the outdoor location didn’t matter too much. 

Did I feel calm? Honestly yes. Not only is the exhibit a peaceful color of blue, but the “blue” surrounds you. Each wall contains a blue installation, looking as though you are literally inside a wave, or being drenched by a beautiful rain shower. The installations are spread across two floors. I did think the exhibit space was going to be much bigger, but then again, you can only see so much of just one color. I probably spent a total of 30 minutes inside, which was enough for me. If you are a true art hall fanatic, this might be too small of an attraction, but if you like to admire here and there while being entertained then I would say it’s for you. 

The entire experience was also very COVID friendly. Upon arrival, the employees stated repeatedly that if someone removed their mask at any time, they would be asked to leave immediately. For some, this was probably frustrating because Aqueous is a very “instagrammable” place. Time to learn the art of the “smize” I guess. On top of the masks, the number of people inside the ARTECHOUSE was limited, and of course, all remained at least 6 feet apart. I felt very comfortable with the restrictions, adding to the “calmness” of the exhibit. 


The app

As you walk in the door, you are immediately prompted to download the “ARTECHOUSE” app. An employee explained that some art pieces within the exhibit were integrated with the app. So how does this work? When a piece of art contained a barcode next to it, that was your clue that it was “special”. I then was able to open the app, hold my phone up to it, and watch the artwork come to life before my eyes (on the screen of course). 


The Aqueous exhibit has gained so much popularity, that the exhibit is now extended into May. If you’re in Miami and looking for something “different” to do, maybe something more calming than the Versace Mansion, then I recommend checking it out. 

Tickets can be purchased via their website.


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