The pink heart emoji is on its way

In honour of World Emoji Day we bring you news of the latest addition to the Emoji family, the pink heart

31 new emojis are up for approval this September, and it’s good news for those of us who have been longing for a pink heart emoji.

Emojipedia has revealed its images of the official emoji candidates for the next release, ‘Emoji 15.0’, which are due to be officially confirmed in Autumn. The pink heart has been conspicuous by its absence since emojis became available on smart phones, and is one of the most highly requested designs of all time. Alongs side the pink heart there will be two other new coloured hearts included in the release; light blue and grey.

Other emojis which are hotely anticipated on the ‘Emoji 15.0 list’ are the shaking face, ginger, lavender, jellyfish, hair pick, pea pod, moose and the Sikh khanda symbol.

The proposed Emojis coming to Emoji Version 15.0

Who decides on the Emojis?

Emojipedia – is part of the Unicode Consortium, a central bank of all approved emoji. Companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft then apply their own stylised versions of the consortium's designs to their operating systems. 

“Scheduled for release in September 2022, any draft emoji candidate that is approved for final release would come to major platforms from late 2022 into 2023.” Emojipedia explained in a statement on their website.


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